Jan 2, 2017

Marching Hippo-Moogles

Gift for an animator friend.
Her little dog with his new Hippo-Moogle friends.
Created this for her birthday as she is fond of hippos and Final Fantasy as well
as Disney.

Medium: acrylic on canvas.

Satellite Soda Daily Draw Challenge 2016

A few of the creations from the daily draw for February 2016.
This time I went with a theme: Looney Tunes take over the TV Universe.
They are all ink, watercolour or goache paint.

Cardcaptor Bugs and Tweety Kiro.

Invader Fudd and Tweety Gir.

Little Looney Puff Girls.

Samurai Wile E and Witch Hazel as Aku.

Doctor Tweety.

Dragonball Yosemite.

"Ta Da! Genital formal wear!"
Shoreleave Sam.

To go where no Looney has gone before.

Because Hugs

Little gift for a friend who I met on my first show Ruby Gloom.
He was our Animation Supervisor back then, now he animates 3d films.

Medium: watercolour

Sailor Bear with Rainbow Scream Power

Another gift for another friend.
She grew up watching Sailor Moon and a bear is her favourite animal.

Medium: acrylic on canvas.

Run with Us

A gift for a friend.
Just a few things she loves, her pup, hippos and h.e.l.p.e.r.
Medium: gouache on watercolour paper.

Satellite Soda Daily Draw Challenge 2015

A few of the creations from the daily draw for February 2015.
Task was to do a drawing in any medium by midnight each day.
Xibalba chalk on my kitchen wall.

La Muerte chalk on my kitchen wall.

Aardman inspired Wolverine in chalk on my kitchen wall.

Valentine love in watercolour.

Rufio in watercolour.

Aardman inspired Magneto in chalk on my kitchen wall.

Marvin in watercolour.